Asbestos cancer is a deadly disease caused by the fibrous mineral, asbestos. If your work or that of any member of your family involves dealing with asbestos containing material, then you might be in danger of this rare form of cancer. According to experts, one out of seven people who have been exposed to asbestos get diagnosed with asbestos-related disorders. And the odds are more against those who work for industries where the risk of asbestos exposure is particularly high.
Asbestos cancer remains latent for a number of years. The first symptoms do not appear until twenty or fifty years too late. It is recommended that someone who has been, or might have been, exposed to asbestos in the past should get regular check-ups, which includes chest X-ray to diagnose the disease early.
Asbestos litigation today is one of the largest in history. People who have been diagnosed with cancer as a result of their previous exposure to asbestos in the workplace or even in the home are filing WSIB asbestos claims against their employers and other responsible people. In this article, you will learn the basic steps involved in how to file a WSIB asbestos claim process.
Find a Lawyer
As with any legal claim, to successfully go through a WSIB asbestos claim process, you need to get the best legal advice there is. A successful claim means compensation for injuries suffered as a result of the responsible person’s negligence; compensation you can use to pay for doctor’s bills and medication. Hiring the services of a qualified lawyer experienced in the field of WSIB asbestos claim process can help ensure the success of the litigation.
Ask Questions
Once you find a lawyer who fits the bill, time for you to ask questions. Of course, you are also expected to do your homework beforehand. Learn all you can about asbestos cancer and asbestos litigation so you will have an idea on how your case is going to be. Then, in your meeting with your lawyer, you can ask him questions about certain aspects of asbestos litigation that you don’t understand. A good lawyer should be more than willing to give you the details of a WSIB asbestos claim process.
To better prepare for your case, your asbestos lawyer will need to look into your records, including medical history and past work history, when and where you were exposed to asbestos, and whether or not any member of your family could have been likely exposed as well. In addition, he might also conduct an investigation on your workplace to determine if your employer or those responsible have exercised sufficient diligence in managing asbestos containing materials. All this is important to build a strong case.
File the Suit
The last step in the WSIB asbestos claim process is to file the case in the proper court. Your lawyer should keep you informed every step of the way.